Build a powerful structure for your Content Strategy

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A study started by Content Marketing Institute (CMI) and MarketingProfs concluded that 63% of companies do not have a Content Marketing strategy in place. Although for some companies is extremely effective, others do not use it probably because results take time, it requires content marketing specialists and budgets.

The Content Strategy transposes digital or brand objectives into Content Marketing tactics. For example, the goal may be to increase the number of qualified leads, in this sense the SEO content strategy with those keywords that target that audience and solve their problems or respond to a current need.

A Content Strategy Template for eCommerce

There are several templates to create a content strategy, but in general, is recommended to keep things simple. Here are the 4 steps required for a content strategy in case you sell online products and services:

  1. Translate the marketing objectives into content goals
  2. Identify content gaps and opportunities
  3. Build the Content Marketing Plan
  4. Map the content for each stage of your Purchase Funnel or Buying Cycle

How to measure Content Strategy performance

The content marketing strategy needs weekly monitoring to see how it evolves and if it achieves the goals set in the plan. Use Googe Analytics and UX tools like Microsoft Clarity because you will be convinced of what works and what doesn’t so you can make immediate decisions.

How to use Google Analytics to assess your Content Strategy

Based on the KPIs set in the content strategy, you can access Google Analytics and analyze each traffic source, the pages that perform better, but also the types of content with the highest impact. Use how images, headlines and page structure affects user behaviour. Use A/B testing to display content and traffic.

Set your Google Alerts to monitor in real-time or periodically new content

With Google Alerts and Mentions, you get real-time reports to see shares and where the brand was mentioned.

Depending on the complexity of the strategy, you can also use SEO tools like Semrush, Ahrefs, but also eCRM automation tools like MailChimp or Hubspot Email Marketing Tools that provide exact data of opening rates for your emailing campaigns.