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Stefan Stroe

Next-gen Marketing & AI

CRM statistics (2021 update)

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Everywhere around the world companies have developed a customer obsession, some of them trying to profile every client via detailed CRM statistics.

In this article, you will find out the latest and most important customer relationship management statistics in today’s world of big data marketing.

Bit first, let’s check on the big elephant overlooked in many meeting rooms:

Why do CRM automation projects fail?

Probably each one of you has witnessed an automation project in her or his company they did not deliver or failed miserably.

Usually, these projects are very complex and they consume a high volume of resources, creativity, and drive.

The main reason for being unsuccessful is using an old-style project management planning for a modern tool: 360 degrees analysis of the projects, complex decision process, but also exaggerated internal alignment and feedback.

The second reason is the lack of experience of the project team in developing automation software platforms. For this reason, many companies abandon their own CRM project due to the complexity generating by development, security, and tech staff turnover.

crm statistics

SaaS CRM automation: A convenient alternative

The companies that failed to build a custom CRM platform, choose software as a service (SaaS) solutions.

The big advantage of a SaaS CRM is that allows you to customize much easier a ready-to-use tool for your team.

At the same time you externalize the development and tech support teams, managing to manage projects and tasks much easier.

Last but not least, this alternative solution allows you to manage all your team’s work in a single place and improve their work accountability.

Now let’s go together through some recent statistics about CRM automation, from which you can gather insights on how to increase the success of your next customer relationship management automation project.

Forrester Research: Digital CRM improves team productivity

Let’s start with Forrester research, a global market research organization that is focused on customer demand research for companies of all sizes.

One of the recent studies showed that 50% of teams improved their productivity with the use of mobile CRM.

Revenues from CRM (Customer Relationship Management) outperformed database management systems. CRM is the software with the largest expansion in its niche in the world and experiences continuous growth.

I’m a financial point of you, CRM is expected to deliver yearly revenues of over $ 80 billion by 2025.

How popular is CRM among small businesses?

A recent US survey showed that 91% of organizations with more than 11 employees now use CRM, compared to 50% of those with 10 employees or less.

This means that the smaller the organization the lower the chances are that CRM to be used.

CRM statistics on automation: Top objectives

Another study performed by INVESP which surveyed marketing specialists concluded that when it comes to automation, lead generation is the top objective for 61% of them. 

Also, CRM statistics showed that other top objectives when using automation were:

  • lead nurturing: 57%
  • sales revenue: 47%
  • increasing customer engagement rates: 36%
  • increase marketing productivity: 29%
  • improving campaign CRM statistics: 28%

Companies’ intention to adopt marketing automation

A study performed by the global emailing and automation company Liana Technologies discovered that 40% of companies that do not use marketing automation declared they will start adopting this type of software.

Meanwhile, about 50% of marketers are assessing it, while only 10% do not intend to invest in marketing automation tools.

CRM ROI: How successful is it?

First, a 2021 study from Liana Technologies concluded that only 11% of marketers measure the ROI of email marketing, a very low number given the analytics potential of this channel.

Combining the different study results we see that even if one of the most important objectives for CRM is to increase sales revenue, very few companies are interested in the relationship between CRM and ROI.

Among marketers that measure ROI, another research showed that only 75% of them declared they have achieved ROI targets within a year after implementing a customer relationship management solution.

Two stats about Marketing Automation profitability

About 76% of the companies that implemented marketing automation enjoyed an ROI in the first year, while 44% recorded profitability in just six months.

What is the greatest barrier in Marketing Automation?

The automation industry has started marketing statistics to find that one of the real challenges is adopting the right tools or software to automate processes. This impediment was by 20% of marketing agencies to be the number one barrier to success.

One last research from Automizy showed that only 6% of marketers openly stated that they also face other challenges such as segmentation, optimization, and data management.

Why companies fail to implement automation

A recent McKinsey study for the retail market showed that 70% of large-scale automation projects deliver results below expectations.

What is the reason automation projects fail?

Many digital marketing firms have been early adopters towards automation technologies, while others have delayed this step for various reasons.

Nevertheless, the lack of expertise in automation and CRM statistics seems to be the culprit: 55.6% of businesses give up automation.

The same Liana Technologies study showed that 48% of respondents admitted that the lack of human resources is the main reason, while 32% said it was due to lack of finances.
