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Stefan Stroe

Next-gen Marketing & AI

AMP 2.0 WordPress plugin – Week 35 in SEO

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AMP 2.0 – The official plugin for WordPress

If you own a website but haven’t been convinced to implement AMP yet, the dedicated plugin for accelerated mobile pages brought some new great features. Let’s go through the most important 8 functions.

amp 2 0 wordpress plugin

Automatic AMP Mobile Redirection

Now AMP plugin offers the option to redirect automatically mobile visitors to the AMP version of your website.

Support for both themes (WordPress & AMP)

  • Menus
  • Logos
  • Comments support
  • Templates design

An AMP customizer

Normally the website uses 2 themes when the AMP plugin is installed, so now there is the possibility to have the customizer for the active theme, but also for the AMP reader theme.

AMP brand affinity synchronizer

The important brand elements of the website (logo, colors, header) will be the same on both normal and AMP versions of your blog or website.

Opt-in/Out of AMP

This is a very useful update in case you don’t want all your site to provide an AMP alternative.  Certain posts, pages or archives can be exempted from using AMP.

Validator of Gutenberg elements

If you use the combo Gutenberg editor + AMP, invalid elements will be reported to you.

CSS optimization and AMP CSS size control

As AMP CSS is limited to 75 KB, the plugin removes unused CSS to fit in this file size limit. Also,  the AMP Admin bar shows now also how much of the CSS 75KB is in use.

Control of suppressing plugins

As AMP is an advanced backend task, admins can now disable the launch of certain plugins for AMP pages. This feature is very useful for plugins that cause errors in AMP themes.

Useful links: